Thursday, 9 January 2014

Day 3 Week 1: Thursday

We always cover so much in a day at NetBuilder so really we've done loads. Things that pop into my head are BNMP diagrams

Looks exciting right? - Well they are. I made one for ordering Pizza! 

I joke but it seems like it will be good introduction into programming as it has alot in common with it.

I'm watching the Hobbit right now, this has nothing to do with NetBuilder or the Academy, but none the less, it's good. Lots of CGI. 

We also did about interviews with the client, the basics of that is..., be nice to them or else. There was also business functions, services and processes..., the value chain, business drivers...

We're working on some interview questions for our hypothetical business architecture task at the moment via facebook. It's actually been pretty productive considering I've only got one other team member to join in so far.

The rest of the guys on the course are all great by the way, there's a few I haven't talked to as much as others, but everyone is friendly. It's probably the first time i've been surrounded by people who are taking something as seriously as me, which is a welcome change. Plus it's a pretty small group and i've always preferred working in small classes.

Anyways, lots to do, so thats it for now. Adios. 

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